Research Article

Optimization of Gene-driven Release Strategies for Culex quinquefasciatus Based on Ecological Models  

Yulin Zhou
Institute of Life Sciences, Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, China
Author    Correspondence author
Journal of Mosquito Research, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0004
Received: 21 Feb., 2024    Accepted: 02 Apr., 2024    Published: 13 Apr., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Preferred citation for this article:

Zhou Y.L., 2024, Optimization of gene-driven release strategies for Culex quinquefasciatus based on ecological models, Journal of Mosquito Research, 14(1): 26-33 (doi: 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0004)


The aim of this study was to provide insight into the optimization of gene-driven release strategies for Culex quinquefasciatus. The important role of bearded mosquitoes in disease transmission was introduced and gene-driven release was explored as a potential mosquito control tool. This study clarifies the scope and objectives of the study and introduces ecological modeling as the theoretical basis for the optimization strategy, and discusses in depth the common applications of ecological modeling in biological studies and mosquito population dynamics studies. This study introduced the basic principles of gene-driven release in detail and reviewed the existing gene-driven release strategies, which provided the basic knowledge for the subsequent optimization studies. With regard to the possible challenges of gene-driven release strategies, special attention was paid to the uncertainty of population dynamics and the potential impact on genetic diversity, and the in-depth analysis of these challenges provided theoretical support for the development of optimization strategies and guidance for the practical application of the technique. The application of ecological models in gene-driven release is highlighted. Through these approaches, this study aims to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of gene-driven release strategies and provide a more scientific and feasible approach to mosquito control, emphasizing the key role of ecological models in optimizing gene-driven release strategies.

Culex quinquefasciatus; Gene-driven release; Ecological modeling; Population dynamics; Optimization strategies

With the development of human society, mosquito-borne diseases pose a continuous threat to human health and social stability (Jiang et al., 2023). Among them, Culex quinquefasciatus, as a species of the genus Aedes, is widely recognized as an important transmitter among the many mosquito vectors. Culex quinquefasciatus, also known as Aedes southerneri, is a mosquito that is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Its characteristic white stripes and spots make it easily recognizable. As one of the major vectors of disease transmission, Culex quinquefasciatus is capable of transmitting a wide range of pathogens that cause falciparum malaria, yellow fever, and filariasis when seeking a host. Its unique life cycle and habitat selection make its control complex, requiring the integration of knowledge from multiple disciplines such as ecology and molecular biology.


Gene-driven release technology is a technique that involves altering the genetic structure of a target species so that it carries a specific gene during its spread in the natural environment. This technique was originally proposed for pest control to influence the population structure of a target species by releasing genetically edited individuals. Recent studies have shown that gene-driven release technology can also be applied to mosquito vector control, providing a new strategy for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases.


Mosquito-borne diseases pose a significant threat to global health. For example, falciparum malaria causes hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, and yellow fever and filariasis, among others, also pose a serious social burden (Sun et al., 2023). The transmission behavior and distribution range of Culex quinquefasciatus make it a vector for a variety of diseases, and therefore its effective control is essential to reduce the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases.


Gene-driven release technology, as an innovative biocontrol method, has great potential for application. By altering the genetic structure of the target species, it can realize the precise regulation of the population in the ecosystem, thus achieving the purpose of controlling the spread of diseases. Its relatively efficient mode of action has made it a research direction that has attracted much attention in the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases. However, how to optimize the release strategy to make it more feasible and safer in practical applications still requires further in-depth studies.


Through the ecological modeling of Culex quinquefasciatus and the optimization study of gene-driven release strategies, its role in the ecosystem can be better understood, providing scientific basis for the application of gene-driven release technology (Lopes et al., 2019). The aim of this study is to deeply explore the application of gene-driven release strategies in the control of bearded mosquitoes and seek to optimize the strategies to improve the prevention and control effects through the introduction of ecological models. In order to better understand and optimize the gene-driven release strategy, ecological models will be used as the basis of analysis in this study. Ecological models can help simulate the dynamic changes of mosquito populations under different environmental conditions and provide a scientific basis for optimizing gene-driven release strategies. This approach is expected to realize the sustainability and controllability of gene-driven release in a wider range of environments. This study will delve deeper into the importance of bearded mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit, introduce the potential advantages of gene-driven release strategies, and clarify the research objectives and the role of ecological models in optimizing the strategies.


1 Ecological Modeling and Its Application to Gene Drive Release

1.1 Overview of ecological modeling

Ecological modeling is a tool for describing and simulating species interactions and dynamic changes in ecosystems. In the field of biology, ecological models are widely used to study biodiversity, energy flow, species distribution and other ecological processes. Through mathematical and statistical methods, ecological models can provide an understanding of complex ecosystems and provide ecologists with a basis for prediction and management (Huang and Jin, 2023).


Ecological modeling plays a key role in the study of mosquito population dynamics. By simulating elements such as environmental factors, food chain relationships, and reproductive mechanisms, ecological models can help to understand seasonal changes in mosquito population size, patterns of geographic distribution, and responses to external disturbances. This provides important information for the optimization of gene-driven release strategies.


1.2 Basic principles of gene-driven release

Gene-driven release is a strategy that utilizes genetic engineering technology to change the genetic structure of wild populations. The basic principle is to introduce specific genes to be transmitted in mosquito populations, thereby altering specific traits of the target species, such as preventing them from transmitting diseases or limiting their reproduction. This strategy uses a genetic "drive" to facilitate the spread of a desired genetic change in a population.


Using gene editing techniques, scientists have designed and constructed Culex quinquefasciatus with a specific genetic variant that may include regulation of reproduction, survival, or other physiological traits in order to cause the target mosquito to exhibit the desired trait (Liu and Teng, 2023). Rigorous laboratory testing and validation ensures that the effects of the introduced genetic variation on mosquitoes are controlled, stable, and do not have maladaptive effects on other organisms. This step is critical to the successful application of gene-driven release technology and requires a full understanding of the biology and ecology of the target mosquito. By releasing gene-edited mosquitoes, they are mated with wild mosquitoes. Since these mosquitoes carry gene drive elements, the offspring after mating will carry the corresponding gene variants. In this way, the target gene will be gradually spread in the mosquito population.


Through continued release and reproduction, the targeted gene gradually achieves targeted transmission in the population, altering the characteristics of the targeted mosquito population. This could include reducing the ability to transmit disease, controlling the population size, etc., thus achieving the goal of biological control.


1.3 Review of existing gene-driven release strategies

Over the past few years, researchers have proposed and tested a variety of gene-driven release strategies. One common strategy is to use gene editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9 to precisely modify mosquito genes to achieve the desired effect (Chen, 2023). Another strategy is to disseminate genes by infecting mosquito parasites, allowing the target genes to spread rapidly in mosquito populations. However, these strategies still face some challenges in practical application, such as technical feasibility, ethical issues, and potential ecological risks.


An overview of ecological modeling provides an understanding of its importance in biology and mosquito population dynamics research. Ecological models provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of gene-driven release strategies. An introduction to gene-driven release strategies, understanding their basic principles and existing strategies provides the necessary background for subsequent integration of ecological models with gene-driven release strategies, and explores how ecological models can be used to optimize gene-driven release strategies to improve their effectiveness and sustainability.


2 Challenges and Impacts of Gene-driven Release of Culex quinquefasciatus

2.1 Challenges of uncertainty in population dynamics

The population dynamics of bearded mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus) are influenced by a variety of factors, including seasonal variations, climatic conditions, and host availability. Fluctuations in population size, uncertainty in reproductive rates, and interactions between life cycle stages make predicting and controlling mosquito populations extremely complex (Feng et al., 2021). In gene-driven release strategies, understanding the uncertainty in population dynamics is critical for the practical application of the strategy.


Mosquito survival and reproduction are greatly influenced by environmental conditions (Figure 1). Factors such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation can directly or indirectly affect the life cycle and population size of bearded mosquitoes (Zhang et al., 2020). Therefore, environmental differences in different regions and seasons may lead to differences in the effectiveness of the same gene-driven release strategy. Understanding these influencing factors and considering these differences in strategy design will help improve the effectiveness of gene-driven release.


Figure 1 Survival and reproduction process of mosquitoes (Guégan et al., 2018)


2.2 Potential effects of gene drive release on genetic diversity

The implementation of a gene drive release strategy may result in the rapid spread of targeted genes within a population of Aedes aegypti, thereby affecting the genetic structure of the entire population. This "gene drive" effect could lead to a reduction in genetic diversity, making mosquito populations more vulnerable to environmental change and new pathogens.


The application of gene-driven release technologies may result in significant changes in the frequency of specific genes in target mosquito populations. By introducing individuals with specific genetic variants, these variants may gradually spread through the population, thereby decreasing or increasing the frequency of specific genes. This may have long-term and far-reaching effects on the genetic structure of the population as a whole. Gene-driven releases may trigger selective pressures that make it more favorable for individuals carrying the introduced gene to survive and reproduce in the environment. This selectivity may lead to genomic changes in the target mosquito population, which in turn may affect the overall genetic diversity. If this selectivity is too strong, it may lead to failure of the gene drive strategy or unpredictable ecological effects.


Gene drive releases may increase inbreeding within target mosquito populations. As mosquitoes carrying the gene gradually take over the population, it is possible that genetic diversity within the population is reduced because inbreeding may result in individuals of the same genotype reproducing rather than hybridizing with a wider diversity.


Despite the impact that gene-driven releases may have on the genetic diversity of target mosquito populations, the scientists emphasized the importance of maintaining genetic diversity in the design of strategies. The impact on genetic diversity can be mitigated to some extent by judiciously selecting the genetic variants introduced and directing the rate and direction of gene transmission. In addition, the introduction of new genes through regular crosses with wild populations can also help to maintain genetic diversity in target populations. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the potential negative impacts of gene-driven releases on genetic diversity is needed, and measures need to be taken to maintain the healthy genetic structure of populations.


2.3 How to consider population dynamics and genetic diversity in release strategies

In order to maintain genetic diversity in gene drive release strategies, a number of measures need to be taken. This may include selective releases to slow down the rate of gene spread, or integrating other means in the strategy design to induce populations to maintain sufficient genetic diversity. Maintaining genetic diversity is critical for population resilience and viability, especially in the face of environmental change and the emergence of new pathogens.


An in-depth study of the uncertainties in population dynamics and the effects of gene-driven release on genetic diversity will provide a theoretical basis for improved gene-driven release strategies. Understanding these challenges will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the issues that gene-driven release may face in practical applications and provide key information for optimizing ecological models in subsequent chapters.


3 Application of Ecological Models in Optimization

3.1 Modeling the effects of gene drive release in ecosystems

The application of the strategy aspect is crucial. By simulating the effects of gene-driven release in an ecosystem, the impact of this strategy on mosquito population dynamics and the overall ecosystem can be better understood (Li et al., 2022).


Simulations can be used to predict the rate at which gene-driven release will spread through a target mosquito population. By building mathematical models, scientists can simulate the mating and offspring reproduction processes of mosquitoes introduced with genes and wild mosquitoes to predict the spreading trend of genes in populations. Such simulations can help determine the amount, frequency, and location of releases to maximize the efficiency of gene spread.


Simulations can also be used to study the effects of gene-driven release strategies on the population dynamics of target mosquitoes. By simulating changes in population growth, distribution, and genetic structure, scientists can better understand the effects of release strategies on different time scales, which can guide the long-term implementation of release programs. Through these simulations, it is possible to predict the effects of gene-driven release strategies under different environmental conditions, providing a scientific basis for practical application.


3.2 Advanced methods for optimizing release strategies using ecological models

The optimization of ecological models lies not only in simulating the effects of gene-driven release, but also in how to optimize the actual release strategy based on the simulation results (Melo-Merino et al., 2020).


Spatially distributed models are used to more accurately simulate the effects of release strategies in a geographic context. Traditional models tend to treat ecosystems as homogeneous spaces, but in reality geographic features may significantly affect gene spread. Advanced methods take geographic information into account to simulate the rate and effects of release strategies as they spread across different regions, thereby guiding release programs more accurately.


Ecological modeling and meteorological data are combined to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of release strategies under different climatic conditions. Meteorological factors have a significant impact on mosquito activity and life cycle, so integrating meteorological data into ecological models can better simulate seasonal changes in gene transmission and guide the timing of release programs.


Uncertainty analysis was used to assess the impact of parameter uncertainty in the model on the results. Ecosystems are complex and dynamic, and parameters in models can be affected by varying degrees of uncertainty. Through uncertainty analysis, scientists can gain a more complete understanding of the reliability of the model, thereby increasing confidence in the effectiveness of the release strategy.


Advanced methods for optimizing gene-driven release strategies using ecological models are a complex and forward-looking area of research. These methods not only improve the precision and maneuverability of the technology, but also better ensure its safety and ecological adaptability in practical applications.


3.3 Experimental studies

For optimization strategies based on ecological models, there are existing experimental studies that provide valuable experience and data. These experiments cover gene-driven release strategies in different regions, populations and environmental conditions. By analyzing the results of these experiments, it is possible to understand how well gene-driven release strategies perform in real-world environments, as well as the challenges and limitations that may arise.


Applying ecological model optimization strategies to real-world scenarios is a key step towards the practical application of gene-driven release. Field applications allow for validation of model validity, feasibility of laboratory studies, and obtaining feedback from real-world operations. This may include implementation of selective releases, use of real-time monitoring techniques, and studies of interactions with local ecosystems. This phase of research will provide key information on the feasibility and sustainability of gene-driven release strategies.


An in-depth examination of the application of ecological models in optimizing gene-driven release strategies, as well as the results of experimental studies, will provide theoretical support and empirical data for the practical application of gene-driven release strategies. This will help bridge the gap between theory and practice, and lead to a better adaptation of gene-driven release strategies to complex and changing natural environments.


4 Possible Ethical Issues for Gene-driven Release

4.1 Social acceptability

The widespread use of gene drive release technology may trigger social concerns and resistance. This relates to public acceptance of new technologies, especially those involving alteration of natural genetic structure. Low social acceptance may lead to political, legal and public relations problems, and may even put serious constraints on the practical application of gene drive release.


The environmental impact of gene drive release is another issue of great concern (Wang et al., 2021). Altering the genetic structure of the target species during release may have unknown effects on other organisms, thereby disturbing the ecological balance. This may include cross hybridization with other species, leading to new ecological problems. Lack of understanding of environmental impacts may lead to irreversible damage.


4.2 Regulatory and management measures

Establishing a strict regulatory framework is key to ensuring the safety of the technology. Government departments and international organizations should collaborate to develop and implement appropriate regulations that set standards for research and application of gene drive release technologies. This includes regulation of laboratory experiments and field trials to ensure that ethical principles and environmental protection regulations are followed during research.


The development of detailed ecological risk assessment programs is also necessary. Before implementing a gene drive release strategy, an adequate ecological risk assessment must be carried out to determine the likely impact of the release on the surrounding ecosystem. This involves a comprehensive study of the ecological impacts on the target mosquitoes as well as other associated organisms in order to predict potential ecological changes. In order to enhance the controllability of the technology, it is critical to develop an effective ecological monitoring program. The monitoring system should be capable of tracking the behavior, population dynamics, and possible ecological effects of released gene-driven mosquitoes in real time. This real-time monitoring will allow managers to take timely corrective action to ensure the controllability and safety of the technology.


In order to minimize the ethical and environmental risks of gene drive releases, an effective regulatory and management framework must be in place. This includes clear regulations, ethical guidelines and monitoring mechanisms to ensure the safety and compliance of the technology. Regulators need to work closely with scientists, social professionals and policy makers to ensure that the regulations put in place are comprehensive, scientifically sound, fair and able to adapt to technological developments in a timely manner.


4.3 Community collaboration for support and feedback

Close collaboration with the community is critical in order to increase social acceptance and better understand potential environmental impacts. The process of community engagement allows the public to voice their concerns, ask questions, and participate in the decision-making process. This collaborative model helps to build transparency, increase public understanding of gene-drive release technologies, and provide information about local environmental and cultural characteristics to better accommodate the practical application of the technology.


An in-depth study of the ethical issues that gene drive release may face and how to minimize the risks will provide key information for the rational application of the technology. The comprehensiveness of the ethical and environmental risk assessment will help scientists, policy makers and the public to better understand the potential risks of gene drive release technology and provide guiding principles for future research and applications. This will help to ensure that the diffusion and application of the technology is sustainable and responsible.


5 Summary and Outlook

By examining the gene-driven release strategy of Culex quinquefasciatus, this study delved into the ecological basis of the technique, the challenges, and the optimization strategy based on ecological modeling (Hafez et al., 2021), introduced the important role of the bearded mosquitoes in the transmission of diseases, and emphasized the urgency to carry out the research on gene-driven release. Gene-driven release has attracted widespread attention as a potential means of mosquito control, clarifying the objectives and scope of the study, and introducing ecological models as a theoretical basis for optimization strategies. In discussing the application of ecological modeling, researchers delved into its common applications in mosquito population dynamics studies. Ecological models not only provide tools for understanding population dynamics, but also provide a scientific basis for optimizing gene-driven release strategies. This study introduces the fundamentals of gene-driven release and reviews existing strategies to establish background knowledge for subsequent studies, and delves into the uncertainties in population dynamics and potential impacts on genetic diversity that gene-driven release may face. These challenges complicate the development of gene-driven release strategies, which require integrated consideration of ecosystem complexity and uncertainty. The application of ecological models to gene-driven release is discussed in detail, including advanced methods for simulating the effects of release and strategy optimization using ecological models. These methods are expected to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of gene-driven release strategies and make them better adapted to different ecological environments.


While exploring gene-driven release technologies in depth, there are some suggestions and directions that can guide future research: continue to strengthen research on the ecology and population dynamics of mosquitoes in order to improve the accuracy of ecological models. A more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the behavior and life cycle of mosquitoes under different environmental conditions will help to establish more realistic and reliable ecological models to better optimize the gene-driven release strategy. Provide insight into the impact of gene drive releases on genetic diversity and explore new ways to maintain genetic diversity. Understanding the changes in gene frequencies induced by gene drive technology in mosquito populations and how mechanisms can be introduced into strategies to conserve genetic diversity will provide deeper insights into the feasibility and safety of the technology. Strengthen research on ethical and environmental risk assessment to establish more comprehensive and specific ethical guidelines and management measures. Social acceptance and environmental risk assessment are important factors in the successful diffusion of gene drive release technologies, and more research is needed to address public concerns and ensure the safe application of the technologies.


Overall, gene-driven release strategies based on ecological modeling have potential advantages in mosquito control, but also face many challenges (Dong et al., 2019). Future research needs to continue to delve deeper into these issues to better understand the operational mechanisms of the technology and provide more targeted solutions for its application in practice. This will help promote the development of gene-driven release technology and provide a more effective means for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases.



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Journal of Mosquito Research
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